Recents in Beach

BIOLOGY QUIZ-01, Biological Classification & Plant Kingdom


Objective Type Questions (One option is correct)

1. Yeast is not included in Protozoans but in Fungi Because:
a)  It has chlorophyll
b)  It shows saprophytic mode as nutrition
c)  It has Eukaryotic organization
d) Cell wall is made of cellulose and reserve Food materials as   starch.

2. The genetic material in Tobacco Mosaic Virus is?
    a) ss DNA       
    b) ss RNA      
    c) ds RNA       
    d) ds DNA

3. Lichens are best indicator of?
    a) Air pollution      
    b) Water pollution
    c) Soil pollution          
    d) Noise pollution

4. Citrus Canker is caused by?
    a) Virus             
    c) Bacteria          
    d) None

5. Which of the Following is nitrogen fixing Blue Green Algae:
  a)  Nostoc, Anabaena, Oscillatoria
  b)  Azolla, Anabaena, Azotobacter
  c)  Oscillatoria, Anabaena, Azolla
  d) Azolla, Nostoc, Osillatoria

6. Fungi are filamentous with the exception “X” which   
    is  unicellular. Identify “X”
    a) Yeast           
    b) Albugo       
    c) Mucor         
    d) Lichen

7. Which of the Following statements is not Correct for Viruses?
a) Viruses are obligale parasites
b) Viruses can mulitiply only when they are inside  the living cells
c) Viruses cannot pass through bacterial filters
d) Viruses are mode up as protein and DNA or RNA

8. Which of the following statements regarding cyanobacteria is 
  a) It is also called blue green algae
  b) They are chemosynthetic autotrophs
  c) It forms blooms in polluted water bodies
  d) It is unicellular, colonial or filamentous, marine or terrestial

9. Contagiun vivum fluidum was proposed by:
    a) D.J Ivanowsky                 
    b) W.M Stanley
    c) W.M Beijerinck             
   d) M.W Beijerinck

10. Suppose you accidentally find an old preserved Permanent              slide  without a label. In your effort to Identify it, you place the        slide under microscope and Observe the Following features:
     1. Unicellular               
     2. Well defined Nucleus
 3. Biflagellated – one flagellum lying longitudinally and other   transversely.

What would you identify it as? Can you name the Group it belong to?
    a) Euglenoids               
    b) Diatoms
    c) Crysophytes          
   d) Dinoflagelates


#BIOLOGY Quiz#CLASS 11th&12th Quiz
#Biological Classification#Plant Kingdom
#Wisdom Classes NEET Quiz